Let’s show you around

We provide a podcast platform, with everything you need to:







Unlimited episodes for all

With Spreaker the process is simple: upload all your episodes and within a few clicks you will have distributed them to millions of listeners. Our Free Speech subscription allows you to upload unlimited episodes for your podcast.

Create your Podcast ->


Publish your content everywhere

Our distribution feature automatically distributes your content all major listening platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Google Podcasts, expanding your audience reach with minimal time and effort.

Distribute for Free →
a Spreaker podcast distribution screenshot with multiple platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio and Google Podcasts.


Monetization is waiting for you

Want to earn money from your podcast? Any size of podcasts can be monetized thanks to our Ad Exchange and Supporters Club. The Ad Exchange is completely automatic and easy to use, you choose where you want the ads to be placed and we fill the spot with one of our world-class ad partners. The Supporters Club enables listeners to activate a monthly paid subscription supporting you and your podcast. Let’s watch your income increase and your listeners grow!

Start Monetizing for Free ->


Build your own Community

Your listeners are more than just an audience; they're your supporters, your fans. With the Supporters Club, they can now become active participants in your podcast journey by subscribing monthly to support your content. This transforms one-way communication into a two-way connection, creating a deeper link between you and your community.

Kick-start your Community ->
An image representing Spreaker Supporters Club feature.


Trusted Podcast Analytics

If you plan to make a business out of your podcast, it's vital to be able to review and analyze your performance. Spreaker's IAB certified analytics show you how your podcast is doing in real-time.

Start measuring →


Want to grow and monetize your content for free?

Start publishing, growing and monetizing as a creator. On Spreaker. For Free.